

Julia delivered both of my beautiful sons and provided amazing pre- and postnatal care as well. As her client I felt heard and understood whenever I had concerns, as well as certain in her knowledge whenever I needed some advice or information. She took very good care of me and my babies. With her help their births became purely happy memories for the whole family.
~ Karen Overmeyer ~

Julia attended my sister's birth of my awesome nephew and it was a beautiful birth. She was just the informed, calm presence my sister needed while also lending an air of lightness and celebration to the space, which was much-needed at times. She has become a midwife under incredible tutelage and has gone to great lengths to ensure and deepen her knowledge. Highly recommend.
~ Ann Kaplan ~

To say that Julia helped us to accomplish our perfect birth is an understatement. She is incredibly intelligent, well educated, experienced, kind, encouraging, and has such a calming presence. I am so pleased that we hired her as our midwife - I am forever grateful for what an amazing birth experience we had. She will be missed in Cincinnati but Cleveland is definitely blessed to be gaining her!
~ Mae Durkee ~

Julia is simply wonderful. She was so calm, confident, and supportive during the birth of my son who turned out to be a surprise footling breech! I had a very fast birth, less then 2 hours long, and it was very intense. Julia was able to guide me through what needed to be done in order to deliver my son without any complications! I highly recommend her to anyone. Julia will not only help your birth go smoothly, but she will also become your close friend during the months leading up to the birth. You will feel completely at ease knowing she's there to support you in bringing your baby into the world.
~ Bonnie Murphy ~

Julia is amazing! She's soothing, understanding, compassionate, knowledgeable, caring, very alert and aware of what's going on at all times! I felt very comfortable in her care and was able to be my complete self with her, which I believe is super important when giving birth! I'm so thrilled I had her for both of my births! Julia made things happy, peaceful and exciting! I could about go in tears just writing this, with all the images popping in my head! Thank you Julia for being you, and for loving passionately, with your beautiful Heart!
~ Stephanie Walker ~

My husband and I hired Julia and another midwife back in 2015 for my first homebirth and third child. I had only met her a few times, but I primarily connected with Julia instantaneously. She was the most soft yet supportive, intuitive, reassuring, and strong midwife present at my birth and during my labor. She was in command yet quiet when I needed her to be quiet, and when I needed distracting she was quick to fill this role as well. Her deep wisdom and dynamic versatility and skillset was truly mind blowing and left a lasting impression on my first home-birth experience and family forever! So when I conceived my fourth, I knew exactly who I would hire. I am due in a few weeks and would rather have nobody else but her assisting in my hopeful home delivery. She and I have built a lasting working relationship, and not only has she provided me excellent pre and post-natal care and support, she has given my family and I continuous support through these last 3 years if ever I needed anything or had any questions. Julia is truly a precious gem and blessing and others deserve to be blessed as she has blessed me and mine. I will vouch for her, her special care, and beautiful soul unconditionally!
~ Aria Lubell ~

I truly cannot even begin to say enough good things about Julia and I feel so blessed to have found her! My husband and I have 2 children, and Julia played a big role in both of their births. She was a doula for my first born and a midwife for my second child. From the first time I met her, she had a soothing aspect about her and has a God given talent to deeply connect with people instantly. She gets to know her clients and at times I felt like she knew my body better than I did. She is extremely knowledgable, attentive, calming and encouraging - each when I needed it the most. I would highly recommend her to anyone who is considering natural labor and/or a home birth. Trust me, you will be so glad to have her as a part of your birth story!
~ Jessica Pogue ~

My husband and I hired Julia as our midwife right after finding out we were pregnant with our first child. After asking all the right questions and talking to her for a little while, we knew we wanted her to be walking through this birth experience with us. She was so easy to talk to and full of so much knowledge, our appointments tended to exceed the anticipated time span because I felt so comfortable discussing every new thing occurring with my body or mindset and she had so much wisdom to share to put me at ease and allow me to feel so confident in the nature of the whole process. I would either call or text her between appointments with any question or comment and she would answer right away. We actually originally hired Julia alongside another midwife that she was working with but because we felt so connected to Julia and trusted her ability and skill, we asked if we could just have Julia at the birth. And that’s what happened. It was just Julia, my husband, Tim, and I and it was absolutely perfect. Julia helped me relax and breath through every contraction. It was a 3 and a half hour labor with no complications. She stayed with us thereafter for several hours to make sure baby and I were healthy and was willing to stay longer if we wanted. She texted only a couple hours later to check in, which was so comforting to have. We called her in the middle of the night to ask about the potential for the baby to spit up in her sleep, which seems ridiculous looking back, but she answered immediately which is so great for a new, paranoid, first time mom to have your midwife essentially in your back pocket whenever you need, which is exactly what Julia felt like. She also told me to call if on day 3-5 when my breastmilk comes in and I’m feeling hormonally out of whack and just need to bawl my eyes out for no reason to someone. I did not, but I wouldn’t have hesitated calling her if I needed to because I know that she meant that! She has been so amazing, I recommend her to everyone looking to give birth at home.
~ Kristi Hawkins ~

I cannot recommend Julia enough! I sought out help and advice when my doctor told me at forty weeks that I had to have an induction or my baby would be in danger. He couldn’t back this up nor would he hear of any other option than Pitocin. It was my greatest fear; a complete lack of control in my birth experience that could endanger both my son and I. Julia met with me and talked through my concerns and advised me without trying to persuade me as a client but talked to me as a close friend and although my partner and I played it cool for a day we knew that she would be the hero we needed. With her wisdom and kindness we delivered a perfectly healthy baby boy on the morning of Christmas Eve with little notice or time to prepare. It was so intimidating and I was scared but I wouldn’t change a thing. I had the perfect birth team with Julia and her attending colleague Sandra Hess who maintained such a relaxed and calm environment that I could not manage to do myself. Midwives are angels and this was the best decision I ever made. I highly recommend her services to anyone who wants to have a beautiful, safe, and natural birth experience.
~ Brittany Davies ~

Hiring Julia to be our midwife was absolutely the best decision for us. We spent weeks looking for a homebirth midwife in the area that would be a fit for us, and then we found Julia. Julia responded to our inquiry that same day, and we met her two days later. She came to our house to meet us, and I immediately picked up on her genuine warmth and kindness. As we spoke to her, I learned about her background and could really feel Julia’s passion for all things birth. She answered any and all questions we had very thoroughly. We hired her that same day.
The prenatal appointments are great: She comes to you! She spends a lot of time cultivating a true relationship with you, built on trust and respect. She is so easy to talk to, and she never has any judgements of you or your life. She becomes like a part of the family.
As my birthtime approached, Julia was available to me 24/7. She checked in with me all the time in between prenatal appointments. She coached me through some rough days at the end, all the while honoring and respecting my experiences. At the birth she was incredible. She kept me focused on my goal in the most beautiful way. She was so calm and soothing, and held such sacred space for our family as I birthed my baby. I felt so safe and loved in her presence, and so confident in my power as a woman.
After the baby is born, Julia visits several times postpartum. Julia identified my baby’s severe tongue tie at the one day postpartum appointment. She then got us a recommendation for the best pediatric dentist, and helped us get an appointment ASAP. She even accompanied us to the dentist for the procedure. Such incredible, personalized care! Postnatally, Julia checked on me via text almost every day, in addition to the visits.
Julia is compassionate, empathetic, and so full of love. She facilitates a women’s right to an undisturbed physiologic birth, and works mainly from a client-led focus.
Her only agenda is supporting the birthing woman the best way she can. I had the most incredible birth experience with Julia. I couldn’t have dreamed of such a beautiful experience, but luckily I lived it.
~ Kristina Maddox ~
Baby born at home on 5/01/2019

Julia is absolutely incredible!!! It is impossible to not love her. I am so impressed with her wisdom and experience. She always knows exactly what to do. She has given me so much valuable advice all throughout my pregnancy and now after. I don’t know what I would have done without her. She gave me a birth I can be proud of! So happy I know her.
~ Raven Petca ~
Baby girl born on 8/30/2019

Julia is such a wonderful experienced midwife. She was so supportive during my pregnancy and answered all of my questions when it came close for me to deliver our baby. I love how personal she is. It doesn't feel like a typical doctor visit (where they check you and just leave), when she has her appointments. Julia truly cares for the women and their families she works with. I knew the moment after we talked to Julia for the first time, she would be the midwife we would go with. This was the first time I chose to do a homebirth and had such a wonderful experience. I would highly recommend Julia for anyone considering a homebirth!
~ Brandi Yackee ~
Baby boy born on 12/26/2019

Julia is amazing! Such a great spirit and knows her stuff! Best baby catcher I know!!!! Super supportive and understanding. And her assistant Kristina is just as wonderful as Julia! Great duo! If I have anymore children, Julia will be the catcher! 🥰🥰🥰
~ Tiara Bivins ~
Baby boy born on 3/07/2020

Julia is the best midwife in Ohio! I’m really glad I chose her for my second baby! She knows and understands pregnancy, labor, delivery, and babies and how the process should be done. She’s always learning and seeking the truth to do her best for us mamas. 💖 I highly trust and respect Julia and would highly recommend her if you’re wanting to birth your baby in the comfort of your own home.
~ Melody Berry ~
Baby girl born on 12/01/2019

After waiting for what felt like FOREVER, (it’s crazy how quickly the third trimester flies until the last few weeks or even days, am I right?) I reached 41 weeks + 4 days, and our sweet baby decided to make their appearance. On Friday, July 31, 2020 at 2:36pm, our fourth child, Seth Malachi, was born at home with my husband and the amazing Cleveland Homebirth team by my side. It was my longest, most difficult birth, but still absolutely empowering and wonderful...and I couldn’t have done it without the encouragement, guidance, love, and care that I received from Julia, Lizzie and Kristina! Julia was soooo good at keeping me focused and going when I felt I didn’t have it in me, she prayed for me when I asked, and reassured me over and over again when I wasn’t sure if the baby would ever make their grand entrance or if I could do it. I felt safe and cared for the entire time I labored and birthed, and knew the baby and I were in good hands... I should also mention that I had the best prenatal experience with Julia, too! My visits with her were always the highlight of my week. Her knowledge, amazing ability to truly listen, her genuine care and kindness, and sweet personality made the visits feel like I was just hanging with a good friend, and that is exactly what I’d call her now: a good friend. 🤍 And, her apprentices are the absolute sweetest, too! God is so so good! I prayed for the perfect midwife and birth team when I found out I was pregnant, and Julia and her team were definitely that. 🙌🏻
~ Betsy Munn ~
Baby boy born on 7/31/2020

Cleveland Homebirth has cultivated the most caring, empathetic, warm, and supportive team for women and babies. And it is no surprise that the strong, thoughtful, and golden sprit of Midwife Julia Meyer is at the vanguard. It was such a blessing to have such brilliant energy, resource, and care surrounding our pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey. I am forever grateful to Julia, Amber, and Sarah for preparing me and guiding me on this journey to motherhood. Success in anything requires a great deal of faith, and I truly believe that Julia allowed me to cultivate a beautiful and sensible faith in my ability to birth all along the way that absolutely made our birth possible. God is so good! I am so glad He led me to Julia Meyer and Cleveland Homebirth. I hope I have more pregnancy journeys to take with this supportive team. I 100% recommend CHB to anyone who believes in the power of women and babies to birth.
~ Julie and Yevhen Gulenko ~
Baby born on 5/06/21